War? Politics or Safety?

Opinions surrounding war are plentiful but a majority of them never receive mass media attention. Anti-war conversations are never publicized but why is that? Is it because the media believes Americans enjoy war and its coverage? Or is it because Americans believe war is what keeps us safe? I believe it is not because people enjoy war or disagreements between nations, rather than military funding on a global scale that moves our economy. Most of the federal spending in a fiscal year is allocated toward our military. 

Keeping America safe is a top priority to not just the government but for every citizen. Anti-war can come from an angle of individuals not understanding the purpose of a large military or our involvement in foreign affairs. There are always two or more angles to an opinion and that is fair and should always be considered. The matter of the fact is that military bases abroad keep us safe. The men and women in uniform deserve our utmost respect whether or not your opinion conflicts with their job or not. 

No nation longs for war. These websites that are anti-war have good intentions for “world peace”, but they do not see the angle of safety and the importance that bases across the globe.

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