Snapchat: More Users

Snapchat (@Snapchat) | Twitter

What does 200 million mean in social media? Imagine 200 million people sending selfies and pictures to one another. Snapchat had over 200 million users at the end of Q3 in 2019. This type of social media has changed how we interact with one another.

Now, what would one expect when there is a global pandemic and everyone is stuck at home? People result in using their social media to stay in contact with one another. Snapchatting friends and family during this time allow people to see faces and it is nice for that type of connection. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Snapchat has increased its daily users by 11 million. This is proof that the app is receiving more attention. Not only do people send pictures back and forth, but they have also been video calling on the app. With new updates to the app over time, it has become more and more valuable for communication. Games have sparked the interest of the users sending filters back and forth keeps people entertained. Guessing a character from a movie, spelling competitions, eating an apple and many more competitions make it fun and interesting to the users.

Now add in news and gossip type discover stories. This type of entertainment can make it easy to lose track of time. Half of the users open the app more than once a day. The activity on the social media platform has increased no doubt. Will the numbers stay this high in the next quarter? Will we see another platform pop up? We will have to wait and see but for now, everyone is using Snapchat to stay occupied.


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