Back to the Basics

Is there going to be a shift in how we communicate with one another due to the Coronavirus? Are we going to think of new ways, or possibly revert back to more traditional styles of communication?

With this being a very stressful and anxiety-driven time of our lives, some suggest social media is not what we need right now. The UK has taken on handwritten letters to communicate with one another to try and decrease their stress. Mental health is very important during this time and we need to help one another.

The Power of a Handwritten Note
People have said that a handwritten card or letter helps them date back to a memory with whom they received the message. Digital text and posts do not have the same effect because there wasn’t as much time and effort put into it. Studies have shown that these cards and notes are the most effective way to communicate love towards your family and friends. With everyone being stuck in their own houses, it is always nice to receive a handwritten note from your best friend from work, school, the service, maybe even your child or grandchild. Sending a picture along with your note will make a world of a difference.

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Social Media has always led to stress, especially in younger generations where their lives seem to revolve around it. This has led to anxiety and stress in the past, but now we are seeing a whole new wave of anxiety and depression, and that is because we have to slow down and spend time at home. We are not in a go-go-go mentality anymore, we have time to self reflect, we have time to look at what others are doing. That is the dangerous part of social media. The best advice I ever received was “A post on social media is a fraction of happiness. It takes less than a second to take a photo of you smiling, but what matters is that you are still smiling afterward when the camera isn’t on you.”

So pick up a pen and paper and write to someone that means something to you. I bet that it makes them feel loved and thought about. It takes a little longer than sending a text, but it will go a long way.


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