EOTO: Propaganda

Propaganda can be defined as information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. When I think of propaganda, my mind goes towards the messages created and delivered during World War II. When I was younger, these are the examples my teachers would discuss and show us. 

This type of propaganda to instill fear seemed to be used most often. Whether it was a Nazi hat on a baby, alluding to the future if people didn’t buy war bonds or poverty in Germany encouraging individuals to stand with Hitler, there was always some form of fear behind it. Now there are different forms of propaganda as well that are encouraging and empowering, for example, the “we can do it!” poster created to empower women working in the factories. Propaganda was used aggressively to send messages to the public during that time period and has become vital to how we study this form of communication today.

examples of successful propagandaexamples of effective propaganda

In today’s times, propaganda can be viewed through memes. It is much easier to mass-produce and usually are meant to entertain and less for a call to action as they were used in the past. This type of propaganda has been seen by some as a negative form of communication, leaving mindless messages out to a younger generation. The age of technological advancements with all types of social media has changed how people use advertisements and propaganda as a whole. 

Between Gifs, memes, and short videos, this is how people can voice their thoughts and opinions online. We have people that can make a video to a song that lasts 15 seconds and start a movement for change or just for pure entertainment. This is how things have changed. 

Barak Obama had his staple poster that had the word “HOPE” on it. This was something that resonated with many Americans and obviously worked for his campaign. It was simple yet effective. This is a form of propaganda that we can see the effects of it. My generation remembers this and how iconic it was for the first African American President. I even remember watching his inauguration with people holding this poster up. Sometimes uplifting messages are more effective than fear tactics.

examples of successful propaganda


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