Is Watchdog Journalism Valuable?

There have been said to be many benefits to Freedom of Speech in the First Amendment of the United States Bill of Rights. Different individuals value certain aspects of what Freedom of Speech entails. I believe the “watchdog journalism” theory should be valued and also respected on both sides of the argument, for and against. This theory can be defined as oversight of government by the media. News outlets are supposed to use this type of journalism to hold the government accountable for the public to understand and see what is occurring with their elected officials.  But to begin, we will look at an event that happened in history that not many people remember or have even been taught.

Ronald Reagan: Biography, Facts & Movies - HISTORY

During President Ronald Reagan’s administration, he had made a few decisions that he would one day have to face the watchdog journalism of the United States. Reagan supported the people of Nicaragua that were trying to rebel against the Sandinista Government. Due to the Democrat control of the House and Senate, the Boland Amendment was passed prohibiting the U.S. government to interfere with foreign government conflicts. Reagan was not happy with this action of congress but by law had to abide by it.

Meanwhile, over the pond in the middle east, there were U.S. hostages in Lebanon that the President wanted his cabinet to find a way to get out. They were being held by an Iranian-backed terrorist group. The suggestion was made to trade military weapons in exchange for the hostages. There was opposition to this idea within the administration, but there was another suggestion that may have been the deciding factor to go through with this plan. The money from the arms sales with Iran could be sent from the CIA to the Contras (Nicaraguan resistance) to aide them in their fight against Communism.

This plan must have sounded full proof to the Administration and so, they decided to carry it out. The only problem is the watchdog journalism that would create the Iran-Contra Affair. After a news outlet in Lebanon in 1986 picked up the story, it wasn’t long until the U.S. journalists were following this lead and so the investigations began. Reagan originally denied the claims of the arms sales, but later retracted the statement and apologized. 

During the investigations, the committee had found that a portion of the money was going to the Contras. At the conclusion of the investigation, a few individuals were found guilty to the charges at hand but for the most part, only fines and probations were sentenced to the individuals that were involved. 

Watchdog Journalism is the reason for this entire discovery of the Reagan Administration. Some incidences like this can cause a downfall of popularity for a President, but in this case, President Ronald Reagan left office with his popularity intact. 

TIME Magazine Cover: Ronald Reagan's Secret Dealings With Iran ...


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