Social Media Self Audit

When I first thought about my online footprint, I did not imagine that it would be that large, but then I did some digging. All my peers seem to have some type of social media to stay engaged with others. The main purpose individuals see for social networks is to stay connected with each other. I made my accounts public because I do not believe i have anything to hide. Always taught that if you wouldn’t want your grandmother to see it, do not post it.

After scrolling through my phone, I realized that I have several social media accounts, some I use more than others. I have, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, GroupMe, and LinkedIn. I use almost all of these accounts daily. Each one is used in different ways though.

I utilize Instagram to keep up with my friends from College as well as those from high school. I tend to find myself scrolling on this platform and wasting countless time because I am interested in what others are doing. When it comes to my posts, they usually include me traveling or pictures with friends and family. Sometimes I will find myself posting achievements I have accomplished to share with friends and family. 

LinkedIn is where I post all my achievements and make connections with people I have met either at school, work, or randomly. I have seen my peers use it more frequently with posts of resumes and awards to search for jobs. I reach out to employers and ask alumni for advice and feedback. Staying active on this network has proven to be very useful for me.

I have decreased the amount of time I spend on twitter over the past year for no reason in particular. I tend to follow public figures, politicians, or just funny accounts that will make me laugh. I tend to only retweet posts about soccer or uplifting stories. I do not really post anything on this account.

Facebook is used to stay in touch with my family or family friends. This is where I interact with my parents’ friends or individuals of that age demographic. I do not use it much at all, to be honest. I am apart of a few groups that will post updates of events or meeting times for clubs, but that’s the extent of my interaction.

Snapchat and Groupme are used constantly. It is a mode of communication that I never thought we would be using. Sending a picture of your face is so redundant yet everyone seems to do it. GroupMe is a great way for me to stay informed and in touch with everyone, especially during this pandemic. We will send funny pictures or just share the good memories we had during school. That is what social media is good for.


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