
Does Technology Affect Relationships?

Technology has no doubt become an extension of ourselves in everyday activity. Whether it is a text notification, Twitter buzz, or a quick glimpse to see what is next on your calendar, people are constantly looking at their phone. Now the real question is… How does this affect our relationships with one another? Is there a benefit to technology? When couples go out to dinner, it is common knowledge that each of them should put phones in pockets or purse, but what some people tend to do is set it on the table. Even just the sight of the phone can throw off the entire evening. Each time your partner looks at the phone to respond to a message, it is taken as a type of rejection. These little things may not seem important, but do they build up over time. Technology can also affect our friendships and relationships with family. The number of times I’ve heard someone over the age of 65 point out that “Young kids are always on their phones nowadays and no one can hold a conversation”, is

Snapchat: More Users

What does 200 million mean in social media? Imagine 200 million people sending selfies and pictures to one another. Snapchat had over 200 million users at the end of Q3 in 2019. This type of social media has changed how we interact with one another. Now, what would one expect when there is a global pandemic and everyone is stuck at home? People result in using their social media to stay in contact with one another. Snapchatting friends and family during this time allow people to see faces and it is nice for that type of connection. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Snapchat has increased its daily users by 11 million. This is proof that the app is receiving more attention. Not only do people send pictures back and forth, but they have also been video calling on the app. With new updates to the app over time, it has become more and more valuable for communication. Games have sparked the interest of the users sending filters back and forth keeps people entertained. Guessing

Back to the Basics

Is there going to be a shift in how we communicate with one another due to the Coronavirus? Are we going to think of new ways, or possibly revert back to more traditional styles of communication? With this being a very stressful and anxiety-driven time of our lives, some suggest social media is not what we need right now. The UK has taken on handwritten letters to communicate with one another to try and decrease their stress. Mental health is very important during this time and we need to help one another. People have said that a handwritten card or letter helps them date back to a memory with whom they received the message. Digital text and posts do not have the same effect because there wasn’t as much time and effort put into it. Studies have shown that these cards and notes are the most effective way to communicate love towards your family and friends. With everyone being stuck in their own houses, it is always nice to receive a handwritten note from your best friend from

Does a Pandemic Change the Right to Assemble?

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution states, “ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” This right that Americans have has been tested in the past, but what happens when there is a global pandemic? In Michigan, there were people out front of the state capitol protesting the stay-at-home order that was put into place to protect the citizens of Michigan. Many states around the nation have struggled with these protests in fear that it will lead to the spread of the COVID-19 virus. As stated above, the people of America have the right to assemble and the individuals out front of the State Capitol were exercising that right. Their frustrations come from the closing of businesses and being told to stay at home. But now is when the mor

EOTO: Propaganda

Propaganda can be defined as information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. When I think of propaganda, my mind goes towards the messages created and delivered during World War II. When I was younger, these are the examples my teachers would discuss and show us.  This type of propaganda to instill fear seemed to be used most often. Whether it was a Nazi hat on a baby, alluding to the future if people didn’t buy war bonds or poverty in Germany encouraging individuals to stand with Hitler, there was always some form of fear behind it. Now there are different forms of propaganda as well that are encouraging and empowering, for example, the “we can do it!” poster created to empower women working in the factories. Propaganda was used aggressively to send messages to the public during that time period and has become vital to how we study this form of communication today. In today’s times, propag

Social Media Self Audit

When I first thought about my online footprint, I did not imagine that it would be that large, but then I did some digging. All my peers seem to have some type of social media to stay engaged with others. The main purpose individuals see for social networks is to stay connected with each other. I made my accounts public because I do not believe i have anything to hide. Always taught that if you wouldn’t want your grandmother to see it, do not post it. After scrolling through my phone, I realized that I have several social media accounts, some I use more than others. I have, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, GroupMe, and LinkedIn. I use almost all of these accounts daily. Each one is used in different ways though. I utilize Instagram to keep up with my friends from College as well as those from high school. I tend to find myself scrolling on this platform and wasting countless time because I am interested in what others are doing. When it comes to my posts, they us

Is Watchdog Journalism Valuable?

There have been said to be many benefits to Freedom of Speech in the First Amendment of the United States Bill of Rights. Different individuals value certain aspects of what Freedom of Speech entails. I believe the “watchdog journalism” theory should be valued and also respected on both sides of the argument, for and against. This theory can be defined as oversight of government by the media. News outlets are supposed to use this type of journalism to hold the government accountable for the public to understand and see what is occurring with their elected officials.  But to begin, we will look at an event that happened in history that not many people remember or have even been taught. During President Ronald Reagan’s administration, he had made a few decisions that he would one day have to face the watchdog journalism of the United States. Reagan supported the people of Nicaragua that were trying to rebel against the Sandinista Government. Due to the Democrat control of the Ho